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KGB Archiver to compress files to the most

Attach the mail or uploaded to the Internet, the large size of the file to the program (Winzip, Winrar, etc.),   and compressed. After only a few KB for a long time to compress and upload file size limitations of email file attachment, and can not be sent. KGB Archiver is the case, you can use. KGB Archiver can be compressed much more than any other program. For example: - 1.90 MB and 1.50 MB of a PowerPoint file, respectively, Winzip, Winrar to 1.45 MB and 1.37 MB of KGB Archiver. Finally, it is Ware software.

However,   there are some limitations to this program. If your computer is more than 2 GHz processor speed, and at least 1 GB of memory, the only KGB Archiver, you can easily use. Because it occupied a lot of system resources. It can also compress and takes more time than other programs. In other words, everything that you have the file size of KGB Archiver is the key for you.


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