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Pen drive / memory card to add the background image tips

If you wish to pen drive / memory card can also add background images. You must first create a folder and have the same image as the background image on the folder inside, then open a Notepad, type or copy and paste the following code.
{BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC} = {BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC}
Attributes = 1
IconArea_Image = Images \ sohan.jpg
[. ShellClassInfo]
ConfirmFileOp = 0
IconFile =% SystemRoot% \ system32 \ SHELL32.dll
IconIndex = 161
Save and Quit
Note that the code Images \ sohan.jpg as part of the name of your folder and replace the image.
For example: If your folder name in the Images-2. Folder name if the image is Computer.jpg. The Images \ Sohan.jpg the place to be Images-2/Computer.jpg.
 Rename notepad as desktop.ini (. Txt format instead. Ini format)
For  desktop.ini file folders and copy or cut to  pen drive / memory card and paste. Refresh the page.
you have come  to see the background of your image.


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